
Westboro "Baptist" Church - An Apocolypse of Protest

Regarding the Westboro “Baptist” Church, I am quite passionate about their issue.....

Since a self-proclaimed "Church" sees their goal to deliver further trauma and hate to the families of the military, gays, supporters of Gay Rights (Elizabeth Taylor), supporters of the military, etc., it would seem simple to protest equally at all of Westboro's services, funerals of their membership, at the work places of their membership, and at the schools where their children live with signs that read, "Your Mommy is a Hate Monger!"

Personally, literally, I feel that the simple execution by 1 9mm bullet of but one Westboro picketer at each and every picket they perform would greatly reduce their enthusiasm. 1 Picket, 1 death. Simple math.

If "God Loves The Westboro Church" were printed on each bullet for each killing, perhaps it could be argued that murder was the secondary result of a peaceful protest on a bullet and that that bullet and it's firer should be protected under the auspices of Free Speech.

Granted, a 9 mm could be insufficient to the task, inasmuch as the firing protester may be forced to a sidewalk a block or so away. In this event, a legal laser scope could be employed.

Ya know, during the Civil Rights area, one little bombing of a church in Alabama, while horrifying as it killed four little girls, seemed right to some folks and turned the tide of the Civil Rights movement. The bombing of the Westboro Church, while fully occupied, seems to me to have merit. I am surprised that no one has thoughtfully carried that out.

Personally, I'd be willing to supply both the gun and the ammunition with a clear conscious. I am sorry that a bomb probably would be easily seen in the collection plate.

Kindly spare me the religious diatribe replies that would refute my position.
It is what it is. So there.

Some people on this earth, in this nation, perhaps down the street, need a good clean killing.
While I believe in "Thou shalt not kill," others don't. I am fully supportive of their right to believe that way.

Stick that on your sign and picket with it.

Rick Cropper